CHEN Chengwen: »anwesende Abwesenheit«

(present absence)
cinematic interpretation (2017) 40:45

Three spatially independent rooms, each with its own musical instrumentation and staging, are nevertheless connected to each other in many ways by means of electronics. An action within a room also has global effects, so that the rooms interlock with each other. The audience experiences the effects present in one room, but caused in another (absent) room. In contrast to the live performance, the film focuses more on parallel simultaneity and shows the connections between these three rooms.

Music in three separate rooms

Room 1:
Music for trumpet, accordion, tuba and live electronics
Jack Adler-Mckean (tuba)
Callum G’Froerer (trumpet)
Till Marek Mannes (accordion)
CHEN Chengwen (live electronics)

Room 2:
Music for Disklavier and live electronics
Vasilios Panousis (Disklavier)
Mattia Bonafini (live electronics)

Room 3:
Music for a keyboard player and live electronics
Donny Karsadi (keyboard)

Audio recording: Matthias Nordhorn, Ali Işçiler, Lina Posėčnaitė
Mastering: Matthias Nordhorn, CHEN Chengwen, Tobias Klich
Camera, Editing, Direction: Tobias Klich