Prayer for Taiwan

video / audiovisual composition for Lâm-koán ensemble (2020-24), 6 min.
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Palast der Lose des Lebens

(Palace of the Lots of Life)
a sound installation in dialogue with Leibniz, Deleuze and Bach (2022)
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Die Stimme des Glaskörpers

(The voice of the vitreous)
Sigune von Osten is reading Paul Celans poem Umsonst malst du Herzen ans Fenster,
a sound installation with a transducer on glas (2016)
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ungestörter Kunstgenuss? (Musique pour Ubu)

(undisturbed enjoyment of art?)
Sound installation in dialogue with Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s Musique pour les soupers du Roi Ubu
for 8 loudspeakers in the foyer of the Hanover Opera House (2014)
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(Bird catcher)
6-channel sound installation with 28 miniature loudspeakers in 5 bird cages and 1 headphone (2013)
in dialogue with Robert Schumann’s Bird as Prophet
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Platz der Weltbeobachtung

(Square of world observation)
temporary, site-specific sound installation for 16 loudspeakers on the square of the world exhibition in Hanover (2012)
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Der Künstler sagt, es geht um das Thema Angst

(The artist says it is about the theme of fear)
Sound sculpture (2010–11)
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Amtsfreiheit 1a (5 Jahre Garantie auf Dichtigkeit)

site-specific installation with trees (2010)
by Paul Melzer + Tobias Klich
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scharfrandig, ohne Knoten, freistehend

(sharp-edged, without knots, free-standing)
site-specific installation with trees (2009)
by Paul Melzer + Tobias Klich
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